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Friday, March 17, 2017

Tips To Keep Your Home Safe Durning Hurricane Season!

Image result for hurricane season

1. Trim the trees around your property. If you have a tree that has dead sections, the tree could potentially cause damage to your home in the event of a hurricane. Not only could your home be at risk, but a tree from your property could also damage your neighbor’s homes. There could be roof damage, broken windows, damage to automobiles, and more. While your homeowner’s insurance might cover a portion of the damages, it’s unlikely that they’ll pay the complete amount, nor will they cover the cost of the removal of the tree. Hauling a fallen tree can get pricey, with a conservative estimate of a few thousand dollars.
2. Take an inventory of your possessions. Should the worst occur, and your home be breached by the storm, an inventory will make it significantly easier to create a claim to get your life back on track. Of course, if your inventory is on paper, it’s important the the inventory is stored somewhere other than your home. Consider making a digital copy and emailing it to yourself to ensure that you can access the list quickly and easily.
3.Bracing your garage door will prevent extraneous damage. While many might think that your roof is the part of your home that is most vulnerable to potential damage, in fact it’s the garage door. The majority of garage doors are not reinforced, so when hurricane-force winds get into the garage, a perfect storm of positive push and negative pull can result in the roof completely flying off the house. Fortunately, there are kits available at your preferred home-improvement store that will help you brace your garage door.