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Friday, February 3, 2017

What Could Happen if You Don’t Have Hurricane Doors?

 Image result for florida windows

With the changing weather patterns and forecasts predicting an active hurricane season, a lot of Florida homeowners are coming to the point of deciding whether or not to get a hurricane resistant door. Many families have already taken the plunge to become more hurricane-prepared and have replaced their front door with an impact door. There are still people, however, who have doubts about whether or not a hurricane door is really worth the investment. For those Florida homeowners debating about whether or not they should get a hurricane impact door, understanding the effects of a hurricane and what could happen without the proper home protection is important.
What Happens to Your Home Without Hurricane Protection?
During a hurricane, depending on the strength and category of the storm, you could have winds of over 150mph applying external pressure to your home. With that kind of force, making sure your home is protected with the right kind of materials is critical to ensure the safety of your family and your investment. When winds reach that high a speed, a regular door may struggle to hold its own, and if your door gets blown in, your home could suffer serious consequences.