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Friday, October 28, 2016

Home Emergency & Disaster Safety

Home Emergency & Disaster Safety 

Weather can change dramatically and often quite suddenly, causing severe destruction, injuries, and even fatalities. In the last few years especially, we have witnessed increasingly violent weather phenomena. Fortunately, today's improved weather alert services are often able to warn us of impending natural disasters well before they occur. This advance warning allows people to prepare themselves and their homes to weather the storm.
In some cases, the best means of defense is to evacuate the area. This is often done when the scale of the disaster seems too tremendous to cope with. However, at other times people may not be able to evacuate, or during lesser emergencies, they may choose to stay at home and wait it out. In the latter situation, being properly prepared is essential. This means that at least some stages of preparation should be done well in advance, even before there is any warning about a natural disaster.