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Friday, May 27, 2016

How to Prepare for Hurricane Season

There are a lot of reasons to get excited when the summer is coming, but one thing that Florida homeowners need to keep in mind is that with the summer fun also comes hurricane season. June 1st starts the official hurricane season and it lasts until November 30th; so along with all your other summer plans, make sure your home is prepared for what the weather may bring! Want to know ways to get your home prepared for hurricane season?
Protect Your Home with Hurricane Impact Windows
Hurricane impact windows are impact resistant windows designed to withstand hurricane force winds and depending on the grade you get different sized missiles. With shutters and plywood, you have to plan ahead of time and spend a lot of time installing and preparing your home, where as with impact resistant hurricane windows your home is ready for the weather at anytime. In addition to the glass being impact resistant, the window frame itself is reinforced to withstand the pressure that a hurricane causes. Get hurricane impact windows today to prepare your home in case of a storm!
Protect Your Home with Hurricane Impact Doors
In addition to having hurricane windows, making sure that your doors are all hurricane impact is important as well. During a hurricane, there is immense amounts of pressure from the weather system being applied to your home. With all this pressure and wind, it is important that all of the home’s openings are securely closed. If the pressure enters your home, there could be roof damage caused by wind and pressure trying to escape the home by pushing up. Having a door that can withstand hurricane force winds and debris is just as important as hurricane impact windows.
Make sure you protect your home and get prepared for this year’s hurricane season by getting hurricane impact doors and windows. For all of your window and door needs, think Florida Window and Door! Call us today for a free estimate to start protecting your home today!